Additional training for
already accredited Transformation Game facilitators

Working with the Transformation Game with only one person as a player is very different from facilitating a Game for a whole group. For the Solo Version the rules on numerous Life Squares have been modified, in order to meet the specific requirements of facilitating one player only. Besides the different rules, the learning process for the Solo player is more intense and needs to be held, supported and furthered more comprehensively and on a deeper level.
In the additional Training for the Solo Version of the Transformation Game, facilitators will learn how to work with the adapted rules, discover how to boost the growth process for their player and improve their coaching competencies (which of course will also benefit facilitations skills, when working with a group of players).
Training will covers:
- Technical procedures on the different Life Squares;
- Practice Games;
- Discussions, case studies, questions and answers;
- Further training in the areas processing and coaching;
- Personal development
Time schedule:
- Saturday, 31st october 2015 19:00h – 21:00h
- Sunday, 1st november, 2015 09:00h – 19:00h
- Monday, 2nd november, 2015 09:00h – 19:00h
Place: Vilnius, Lithuania Europa City Vilnius hotel. J.Jasinskio gatve 14
Working language: english with translation to russian
Working language: english with translation to russian
Participation fee:
- If number of participants is 4 then 290 eur/per person
- If number of participants is 6 then 245 eur/per person
- If number of participants is 8 then 220 eur/per person
- Applying and additional info by writing to or calling to +371 29121884
- Applying and covered 1st part of fee in amount of 150eur until 15.09.2015., then until 05.10.2015. each participant will receive Transformation Game Solo version training manual due to prepare him-/her- self for training.

Mary Inglis is an independent trainer, facilitator and coach who works internationally with courses and trainings in personal and group development, leadership, creativity, and transformational change processes. The core of her work is to do with exploring capacities for wholeness within ourselves and in relation to the world around us, and with engaging with the path of our personal calling, as well as the calling of the world and our times. Her work encourages people to connect with their own authentic presence, journey and contribution, and to engage with their own generative core and potential.
Born in Scotland, Mary grew up in Nigeria and Lesotho, and went to school and university in South Africa, where she worked as a journalist as well as training in experiential educational approaches. For the last 40 years she has lived at the Findhorn Community in Scotland, where she is a long-term faculty member of the Findhorn Foundation. The Findhorn Community is a holistic and spiritual educational centre exploring new approaches to spirituality and sustainability, as well as collaboration and partnership with all of earth’s ecologies, both physical and non-physical.
Mary is also managing director of the UK branch of InnerLinks Associates, which researches and develops Transformation Game products, programmes and trainings; these offer playful yet substantial approaches to exploring and transforming issues in life and work. Mary has been involved with the Transformation Game since its beginnings in 1976.
Her work draws on her experience at the Findhorn Community and with the Transformation Game, as well with as a variety of other fields and inter-disciplinary approaches, including process oriented psychology and incarnational spirituality. She has designed, developed and facilitated some innovative programmes, processes and trainings, including several custom-made large group processes using the Transformation Game in conferences in the UK, Europe and Korea.
At the end of 2015(4-5 nov) there will be authorprogramm of Mary Inglis in Vilnius. See more here>>