Price : 400 eur / participant
Language: My native is Latvian, but I can run the workshop also in Russian and English.
Location: Im inviting you to play at my home- it is in small village near Aizpute (in the silence and peace of countryside) or in Milk Manor- Berghof ; Im also serving this game in the place, you choose to play in Latvia.
For running such workshop there is necessary not so much- just smooth room with table (~ 1.5m diameter) and chairs. Actually- also rug on the floor and some cushions (instead of table and chairs) are suitable in this case.
Playing time: Undisturbed time depending on number of participants
6 h** for 2 players
9h** for 3 players
12h divided within 2 days** for 4 players
15h divided withitn 2 days ** for 5 players
18h divided within 2 days** for 6 players
In each case, there is necessary some extra time for introductionary meeting before the Game. Within this meeting players shall share their intentions. It could happens both- in real life, as well as through skype a day ar two before of the Game. Approximate time of this meeting 15-20 min. per player.
Please order the workshop or get in touch for details of the nearest one: by calling mob. +371 29121884 or by writing intasanta @
Price: 800 eur
Language: My native is Latvian, but I can run the workshop also in Russian and English.
Location: Im inviting you to play at my home- it is in small village near Aizpute (in the silence and peace of countryside)or in Milk Manor- Berghof ; Im also serving this game in the place, you choose to play in Latvia.
For running such workshop there is necessary not so much- just smooth room with table (~ 1.5m diameter) and chairs. Actually- also rug on the floor and some cushions (instead of table and chairs) are suitable in this case.
Playing time: Undisturbed time 6h** There is necessary some extra time before of the Game for players Game intentions sharing
Please order the workshop: by calling mob. +371 29121884 or by writing intasanta @
Language: My native is Latvian, but I can run the workshop also in Russian and English.
Location: Im inviting you to play at my home- it is in small village near Aizpute (in the silence and peace of countryside)or in Milk Manor- Berghof ; Im also serving this game in the place, you choose to play in Latvia.
For running such workshop there is necessary not so much- just smooth room with table (~ 1.5m diameter) and chairs. Actually- also rug on the floor and some cushions (instead of table and chairs) are suitable in this case.
Playing time: Undisturbed time 6h** There is necessary some extra time before of the Game for players Game intentions sharing
Please order the workshop: by calling mob. +371 29121884 or by writing intasanta @
It can be extremely useful experience- to play Transformation Game with your partner. The game creates a safe environment for deep sharing, to increase intimacy and gratitude for being together, and it all can enrich your relationships. Although each of you will have your own, personal game intention/ purpose, the interactions that occurs within the process of achieving these objectives could explain and resolve conflicts at all levels, as well as allow you to respect and to love each another again and again.
"My husband was able to listen and hear. We were ready to reach deeper levels without the usual argumentation or dissent," - so said on of the players of such experience.
Price : 400 eur
Language: My native is Latvian, but I can run the workshop also in Russian and English.
Location: Im inviting you to play at my home- it is in small village near Aizpute (in the silence and peace of countryside); or in Milk Manor- Berghof ; Im also serving this game in the place, you choose to play in Latvia.
For running such workshop there is necessary not so much- just smooth room with table (~ 1.5m diameter) and chairs. Actually- also rug on the floor and some cushions (instead of table and chairs) are suitable in this case.
Please note! There is possibility to run this workshop through video skype as well. Then there is necessary for player to have his/her own Transformation Game set. Its is great if you already have it, but in case of not, it could be bought in english version by following to this link Transformation Game
. In case you could play this Game in english. For playing in latvian or russian, we still need to meet in real life :)
Playing time: Undisturbed time 3h**
Please order the workshop: by calling mob. +371 29121884 or by writing intasanta @
Language: My native is Latvian, but I can run the workshop also in Russian and English.
Location: Im inviting you to play at my home- it is in small village near Aizpute (in the silence and peace of countryside); or in Milk Manor- Berghof ; Im also serving this game in the place, you choose to play in Latvia.
For running such workshop there is necessary not so much- just smooth room with table (~ 1.5m diameter) and chairs. Actually- also rug on the floor and some cushions (instead of table and chairs) are suitable in this case.
Please note! There is possibility to run this workshop through video skype as well. Then there is necessary for player to have his/her own Transformation Game set. Its is great if you already have it, but in case of not, it could be bought in english version by following to this link Transformation Game
Playing time: Undisturbed time 3h**
Please order the workshop: by calling mob. +371 29121884 or by writing intasanta @
** There is possible to play the Game longer time for every number of participants. If there is such wish, please get in touch due to agree about mutually agreeable fee.
Only people trained and accredited by InnerLinks may work professionally with The Transformation Game ® and use the name and logo.
InnerLinks certified Transformation Game Latvia based Facilitators. List updated on 05.11.2015. Please find here>>.
The Transformation
Game is a registered trademark ® 1986-2004 Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler,
InnerLinks Inc. All rights reserved.
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