
Concept conceived by Joy Drake.
Two games were seeded by Joy at the Findhorn Foundation:
  1. Before Enlightenment. The journey of the personality towards soul-infusion. 
  2. After Enlightenment. The building and link up light centers around the world. 
Heightens lessons on spiritual path. Increases awareness. The games reflected the essence of the Findhorn experience in a form that did not necessitate traveling to Scotland and staying there for years before some kind of awakening occurred. They re-created the environment of consciousness in miniature; in magnification.
The Nr.1 game mirrored players thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and reflected a clear picture of options for change. Personal consulting tool. It provided a context in which personal awareness and spiritual  growth were accelerated. Function of Planetary Mystery School as way of life. Game Nr.1. was developed. Game Nr.2 is still unfinished.

The Game germinated. Began as hobby. Game nurtured, intrigued and inspired Joy. Many influences. Sanctuary guidance- The Tibetan Game- Group Discovery creations- New Games workshops.  Test- played the game at college evening classes. Making the parts for the first prototype took 18 months. 
The first public version of the game- The Planetary Game was played in the Cluny Hill ballroom of the Findhorn Foundation in June 1978, as a part of the Art Synthesis workshop. 20 players and 4 guides. Very rudimentary equipment: paper squares, costumes from sheets etc. Incredibly powerful, accurate and transformative. 

Findhorn. October: Game of Life workshop. Week long residential workshops. 5 players, 1 guide and 1 chronicler. 7 playing levels. First time the games were run in different building. The conscious emergence of the Game Deva. Suitcase of portable equipment, glass experience dishes, exquisite hand calligraphed card decks and wooden game boards. Running between games sharing dark glasses and other equipment! Overnight success. Weekend workshops developed. Took six months to make one Game set. Many helpers but still Joy`s "thing". 
Turning point. Joy met Kathy Tyler. Shift from single focus to a committed team. A highly creative partnership was established. Kathy`s expertise as meditation teacher plus her extensive inner plane knowledge, helped to refine the rough game energy  field, and brought focus, clarity and deep intuitive understanding to the inner workings of the process. Kathy helped to shape the game into sophisticated structure that could be operated with ease and balance. She provided a major missing piece by incorporating intuitive workshop structures were reassessed and upgraded. Kathy and Joy started to train others to work with their intelligence and the Game Deva.
Developing a core group of qualified game guides. A remarkable educational process had emerged which could be repeated, examined, identified and recorded. 4 level Guide Training program was created: Chronicle, Trainee, Probationary, Qualified Guides. The Game had always been on the leading edge of group process. Guide training program was excellent leadership training. 
Workshop demand began to build. The Game began to be played in work departments and included in Orientation, Essence and other Foundation programs. The Game continued to evolve. It was highly magnetic. Tons of people contributed their time and skills. Several spin-offs or imitations have emerged over the years. 
Original Transformation Game board with the 7 playing levels and glass experience dishes.

Onwards. Weekend Games played in England. First Game tour to Holland.

Findhorn. Angel cards launched! First printed and hand-collated in the community. Initially a sideline cottage industry. Rapidly became a regular feature of the Experience guest week. Over 1.3 million sold to date. The cards complement educational group processes and personal healing. Useful in schools, businesses and variety of situations. Refinement and expansion of the game continued, with tours to Europe and U.S. Joy and Kathy`s meeting with Narada Productions in Milwaukee at a Game presentation was significant. The firm was later licensed to publish the Angel cards. 
There are for all human beings understandable qualities on the Angel cards.

Findhorn. Blessing cards first printed. Hand-collated by volunteer guests and members. 210 individual blessings in each box. Sold locally. Labels were never completed before we sold out! In 1990 the Blessing Cards were redesigned, reprinted, and repackaged. 
Portland. Qualified Game Guide non- residential training 6 weeks. 

Several US Game tours.

December.  Joy and Kathy relocate to Seattle. Starting from scratch again to re-birth the game in a new form. Each stage in the development of the Game required a deeper commitment, financial investment and major personal transformations from the two originators. Judi Buttner becomes a manager of the Game office for Innerlinks U.K.

Seattle. Joy and Kathy incorporated as Innerlinks, Inc. USA. They began to take pre-orders for the box game. Fund raising: Honorary Angle marketing concept. 

Findhorn. Mary Ingls takes over management of InnerLiks UK. European Game programs begin to expand. 
Seattle, September 20. Transformation Game launched! „The Game in a box that can change your life”. 2-4 players, 4 playing levels. Story behind the logo. Consciously designed, after 18 months extensive test playing and development. logo ar stāstu. David Spangler primary adviser. The Transformation Game moved onto the world market. What would be the response from general public? 5000 games sold in the first year! 
Findhorn, November. The entire community including Eileen Caddy, on of the founders, played the Planetary Game in the Universal Hall. It was a significant turning point for the Foundation. 
The box version of Transformation Game allows it reach all over the world. Even in Singapore!

Seattle, September. 1st Facilitators training program. Joint material from the combined efforts of Joy, Kathy and Mary. Passing on our experience, skills and knowledge. Actively seeding the game in Holland, Argentina, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Scotland, Germany, USA. InnerLinks expands and establishes an international support and information network of accredited Facilitators. Develops Transformation game applications in organizations. 
Seattle, September 10.  Joy and Kathy sign a license agreement with US Games Systems Inc to commercially mass-produce The Transformation Game. 

Findhorn. First New Year  Planetary Game workshop for 80 participants. Played in the Universal Hall with renovated equipment. 10 Guides and 16 trainee Guides. Global healing focus. Computerized communication network. Provided a vision and blueprint for the year ahead. Magnificent. 
Holland  First Transformation Game Facilitators Training Program. 
Transformtion game Facilitator trainings. Since the 1988 training in Seattle, InnerLinks have run Trainings in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Portugal, Russia. South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Thailand, as well as many more in US and Findhorn. There are currently over 1000 trained facilitators in the above countries and also in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Denmark, England, Finland, Greece, India, HongKong, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Montenegro, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Zimbabwe. Facilitated Transformation Game workshops with accredited InnerLinks trained Facilitators are important. They ensure that the pure lineage continues through extended Game activities. Facilitators are leading edge of growing InnerLinks family. 
August, USA. 2nd edition Transformation Game produced by US Games after many delays. Catalog followed two months later. Other editions have since been completed. Over 70000 copies of The Transformation Game have been sold year to date 2007. 

Findhorn un Holland. First special topic trainings on working with Setbacks. 
May, Seattle. Facilitated business version of The Transformation Game successfully launched with Seattle based companies. Pilot program designed to improve team building, communication and effectiveness in the workplace. The design included new cards, playing levels and workshop formats. 
May, USA. Blessing cards. Second edition. Redesigned and newly packaged. 
June, Australia. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Melbourne. 
October, Findhorn.„Leadership Game” for 250 people at the  Intuitive Leadership conference. A special and successful adaptation of The Transformation Game designed for groups working together. 45 facilitators. 
November, Holland. First 20 person Planetary Game held away (from Findhorn or Seattle). Very exciting. We would now like to travel more with the Planetary Game. 

February, Seatlle. First 60 person Planetary Game  to focus on current events specifically (Gulf War). David Spangler joined to Guiding Team. An inspiring event. 
October, Holland. First Transformation Game Facilitators gathering, mainly of members of Game Group Holland. 

February, South Africa. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Johannesburg and Cape Town. 
June, Germany. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Steyerberg.
October, Findhorn. "Game of Service" in the Power of Service conference. Another adaptation involving 5 playing areas with rotating playing teams focusing the play for their area.
October, USA. French, German and Spanish Angel cards launched. Dutch Angels joined the team in 1995. Portuguese Angles with Angel Book in 2001. 
November, Findhorn. First international Facilitators Gathering and Planetary Game. 
November, USA. Solo and Earth-Solo versions launched. 6 playing levels. 1st printing 3 000. 

September, Holland. Frameworks for Change Train the Trainer program launched. After several years in development. Train-the-trainer programs for their business version of the Game were run in Holland and the USA, and Frameworks Trainings are now offered at Findhorn, Brazil and the USA.

April, Brazil. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Sao Paulo.
October, Findhorn. First Facilitators training for a Group version of The Transformation Game, for between 12 and 20 players. 
First translations of The Transformation Game. Transformation Game becomes available in Dutch, French and German; as of 2010, it is available also in Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. 

Holland. First Facilitators training review and miracle brainstorming gathering. 
Findhorn. A specially adapted version of Frameworks for Change is played with 200 participants as part of the Business for Life conference.
Intuitive Solutions launched. - A 3 card deck set, Insights, Setbacks and Angels, based on the Next Steps process in The Transformation Game. A simple straightforward tool which can be use for immediate clarity, understanding and direction. 

May. Angle Cards software launched. Inspirational messages and screensaver for PC`s. 
November. Hungarian translation of the Transformation Game. 

January. Joy and Kathy relocate to Asheville, NC. Mary Inglis becomes a full partner of InnerLinks.
June, Findhorn.  Transformation Game Facilitators Planetary Game; 20th anniversary of the first public playing of any version of the Game.  Playing groups were Vision, Co-Existence, Identity and Creator-ship. 
July, Hungary. First Transformation Game Facilitators training Eastern Europe. Bursaried training in Budapest, supported financially also by many of the Game Facilitators in Holland. 
July, Russia. First Group Transformation Game played in Moscow. Themes were Sustainability, Children, Spirituality and Relationship. 
August, Holland. The Leadership game: a specially designed 2-day event int the week-long international management course on "Leading to the Future". 60 participants. The first of several tailor-made adaptions of The Transformation Game for conference and large group settings.
October, Germany. Advanced Transformation Game 6-day training in Germany. First step towards an advanced certification program to provide Facilitators with the opportunity for more in-depths training and practice with Transformation Game facilitation. Designed to improve processing skills, expand Setback and Insight work, review context of squares, develop work with pain-free Setbacks, clarify technical points, refine and deepen relationships with the Game Deva, participate in supervised practice games and strengthen connections with other Facilitators. 

February, Russia. First training in Russia. Two more follow in quick succession in September 1999 and summer 2000, with Advanced Training in 2000 as well. 
April, France. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in French Guadeloupe. 
September, USA. The Angel Cards Book launched. Inspirational messages for each of the Angel Cards, as well as guides for visualizations, meditations, and journals to use with the cards. 
December, Findhorn. Millennium Planetary Game. Over 80 participants from 19 countries welcomed the new Millennium by spending ten days playing the game, in its smallest and largest versions. Playing groups were Relationships, Livelihood, Community, Wellness and Recreation, and Unknown. It was a powerful, peaceful and profound way to greet the 21st century.  

August, Japan. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Kagawa-ken - translated. .
November, Russia. First Solo Game training program. 

January, Findhorn. First Frameworks for Change training.
February, Brazil. First Group Game training- translated.
March, Brazil. First Frameworks for Change training- translated.
July, Holland.  „The Leadership Game”: a specially designed event for over 100 participants in an international week-long conference on  „Leading to the Edge”.
November, Findhorn. Specially designed version of the Game for Findhorn`s 40th Birthday week. 

June, Findhorn. Launch of the Frameworks Coaching Process- FCP training. First Certification Training in a coaching process using the Insight, Setback and Mentor cards from the Frameworks simulation. Designed for use in the workplace with individuals, groups and teams. 
August, Asheville.  First Frameworks Coaching Process (FCP) certification training in the USA.
August, Spain.  First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Madrid- translated. 
October, Australia. First Frameworks Coaching Process Certification training for consultants in Melbourne. 
October, South Africa. First Frameworks Coaching Process Certification training for consultants in Cape Town, in conjunction with the Centre for Conflict Resolution at the University of Cape Town and the British Council. 

July, Asheville.  Mentorspirit cards launched. 65 beautiful fractal images designed to energize the spirit of mentorship. Instruction booklet included. 1st printing 5000. 
August, Holland. „Living on the Edge”- a special week-long version of The Transformation Game for 30 participants in a summer school event as part of The Edge International School for Leadership and Spirituality.
October, Asheville. Launch of the FCP (Frameworks Coaching Process) tele-training certification program. Eight one-to-one telephone training sessions over 3 months, and practice assignments with clients. Designed for coaches worldwide.  
September, Brazil. First Frameworks Coaching Process  (FCP) training for consultants in Brazil. Sponsored by Taygeta Games- translated.
December, Korea. First Frameworks Coaching Process  (FCP) training for consultants in Seoul. Sponsored bu Lux- translated.

January.  Launch of the 25ht anniversary expanded edition of the Angel cards and book set. 20 new cards and bonus stickers of new qualities, pocket size carrying case, flip top box. Angel Cards book with 20 new inspirational messages, world work meditations, and additional journals. 
July, Korea. First Transformation Game Facilitators training program in Seoul. 
September.   Launch of the Angel of the month email newsletter. 
November, Findhorn. Two Planetary Games with newly designed Global and World Work Squares:
  1. Cultivating Presence in our lives- a special Planetary Game to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the birth of The Game of Transformation. 80 participants from 25 countries. Playing Areas were Self and Well-being, Work and Professional life, Relationships and Family, Nature and the Environment, Transitions and Breakthrough. 
  2. Community Planetary Game for Findhorn`s 44th birthday week. Playing areas were Leadership Rand and Power, Well-being and Creativity, Ecology and Co-creation with Nature, Planetary Role and Outreach, Local Economy and Money. 
January. Korean translation of The Transformation Game is published.
October. A specially designed Transformation Game event for over 100 people in Seoul.
November, Japan. Begin working with i-wave to bring annual Transformation Game trainings to Japan.

December, Japan. First advanced Training for accredited facilitators. 

April, Findhorn.  Specially designed one-day Game event in Inspired Action conference. 
June, Findhorn. Summer solstice Planetary Game. Our invocation of spiritual partnership, inspiration and grace. The Playing Areas were Ourselves, Our Relationships, Our Work, Our Collective Structures. Nature and the Environment. 
July, Italy. First Transformation Game Facilitator training program in Massignano- translated. 
September, USA. Blessing cards. 3rd edition. New compact design  and packaging. 
September, Portugal. First Transformation Game Facilitator training program in - translated. 

September, Malaysia. First Transformation Game Facilitator training program. 

Keep in touch with InnerLinks Trainings, Products and Special Events by visiting www.innerlinks.com, www.frameworkscoach.com, www.findhorn.org.

The Transformation Game is a registered trademark ® 1986-2004 Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler, InnerLinks Inc. All rights reserved.

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