life is filled with blessings, insights, and a heart-felt sense of connection
with people around us. Other times we stumble through a series of setbacks,
accumulating pain, even falling into depression; and nothing we try seems to
help us get out of it. Sometimes someone unexpectedly appreciates us or offers
to serve us -- or we reach out to help another. Sometimes miracles happen, pain
is lifted, new directions open up, and the seemingly impossible occurs.
as life is filled with this rich variety of experience, so is the
Transformation Game®, a fun and complex board game which offers a playful yet
substantial way of understanding and transforming key issues in your life.
The Transformation Game® was developed originally
by Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. Since the
first Game workshop was offered there in 1978, thousands of people have played
the Game in its various forms. Many more have worked with the Angel®
Cards, with over a million Angel decks sold to date. Several programms and
products now make up the Game 'family' and are available world-wide through
InnerLinks, a consulting and training company based both in the USA and UK.
InnerLinks researches and develops Transformation Game products, programms and
trainings, and is the only organisation that trains and accredits Faciltators
to work with the Game professionally. The Findhorn Foundation, where the Game
was originally developed, is the centre for Game programmes in Europe.
Different forms of the Game now include:
- the commercially available Transformation Game, which can be played at varying levels of intensity, with or without a facilitator;
- more indepth intensive 4-day workshop;
- various team versions applicable to particular situations and groups;
- and the Planetary Game, a life-sized version of the Game which works with collective as well as personal issues.
There is also an organisational version,
Frameworks for Change, a self-directed learning programme which provides a creative
space for teams and organisations to examine their responses to their own
working environments and team challenges. A coaching tool, the Frameworks
Coaching Process, is also available, based on the cards from the full
Frameworks simulation.
InnerLinks trains facilitators for the various
versions of the Game, as well as offering workshops and programmes which
encourage personal creativity and foster collective awareness and
responsibility. The Transformation Game Facilitators Training is a specialised
intensive which gives thorough training in the use of advanced rules in a
Facilitators Manual. Only people trained and accredited by InnerLinks may
work professionally with The Transformation Game ® and use the name and logo.
- For information about Transformation Game workshops and trainings at the Findhorn Foundation, click here>>
- For information about the Findhorn Foundation, click here>>
- For information about Game workshops and trainings in the USA and elsewhere in the world, click on here>>
The Transformation
Game is a registered trademark ® 1986-2004 Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler,
InnerLinks Inc. All rights reserved.
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