Friday, 2 December 2016

Angel of December is Love

The essence of contentment and the foundation of serenity. Love is the activation of your spirit reaching out to make connections. 

It overcomes grief, harbors no ill will and heals all separation.
If the experiences we have are a result of our selective perceptions, why not adjust our lens and look though the windows of love instead of fear, righteousness, loneliness or guilt?

Love is a vibrational frequency. It is the feeling nature of our soul and our direct connection to the Source. When we tune into this frequency, we nurture a closer relationship to our true selves.

Love is not something we have, but rather something we are. When we extend this essence to a person, group of people, a place, or an animal a luminous mystery forms in the depths of our hearts and extends out beyond ourselves with deep joy and passion.

We all seek a feeling of belonging; a feeling of being home connected with our Source. It is often easier to access this in relationship with nature or a pet. But it is in our relationships with one another that our love-ablity is most often challenged.

Giving space around experiences and interactions give us margins we can fill with love that contains the content -- rather than judgement that searches the content for where the love might be. This shifts our worldview and our interior orientation. We stop trying to manipulate the outer world so that our inner world can be at peace.

We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart experience love with ever increasing 'frequency'.


P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Play during November, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Love into your life for the month of December.
©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more on

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Angel of November is Play

Maximize every moment of aliveness. Experience pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing. 

Have Fun!
Play is at the heart of our creativity and animates our being in our most carefree moments. It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery. It feeds our childlike joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning grounded and on to earth.
There is so much going on in the world, and within us, that our stress levels have adjusted upwards to a new 'normal' creating a hidden epidemic of fun deficit disorder (FDD). Play is an antidote to stress. It can totally absorb your attention and cause a cascade of feelings that greatly impact your happiness quotient.
Play engages us with the imaginal realm and supports and enriches our metabolization of life. It is integral for generating insights and effortless realizations. Play literally gives us a 'breather' – restoring our vitality at a core level.
This month find a fun activity that totally captivates your attention to the point where time seems to slow or even stop, and the voice inside -- (the one giving constant commentary on what you’re doing, have done, or will be doing) -- ceases. Laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and yourself.
Wishing you playful, joyous moments throughout November!
And, transformed FDD to F:):)....

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Abundance during October, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Play into your life for the month of November.
©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors:

Monday, 3 October 2016

Angel of October is Abundance

Cultivate an attitude of generosity and act as though there is plenty for you and for everyone, everywhere. Give freely and generously.

One of the biggest fears held within humanity is the fear of loss. This may be of a job, partner, image, youth, life style (especially money) or finally - death of the body. But, fear can also be healthy and serve us as it calls our attention to gratefulness and reminds us to take steps to care for what we have been given.
Holding tightly to what scares us produces heart-quakes and moves us out of the universal flow causing us to live in 'scare-city'. The energy of wanting; things a certain way, circumstances to change, feelings to be different - is an ineffective approach because we can only want things to change according to what we think we know.
The essence of abundance is rooted in dynamic openness and wonderment that infuses our desires with the optimizing force of Being.
We lack acceptance of what is and this leads to a lack of gratitude. Holding fast to particular identities and predetermined decisions fuels our conditioned selves and habitual behaviors. As a result, we can't experience wonder or abundance. We can only at best feel sameness.
Wonderment arises when we open to something that is new, fresh, and mystical, completely letting go of all we know in that moment.
This experience is exhilarating, prosperous, and freeing; inwardly turning us towards a sense of fulfillment. It offers a grander, more expansive vision of reality and relieves the restraints to generously offering ourselves allowing us to give to everyone, everywhere.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life and move you out of scare-city. May you be filled with wonder and abundance and offer it freely.

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Synthesis during September, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude then welcome the Angel of Abundance into your life for the month of October.
©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Mary Inglis and Process Skills Training

Mary Inglis is an independent trainer, facilitator and coach who works internationally with courses and trainings in personal and group development, leadership, creativity, and transformational change processes.

At the start of next year (January 23-27.,2017) Mary Inglis will be in Riga with her program "Process Skills Training". Organizer of this training is ICF.LV- Latvia chapter of International coach federation and invites to participate everyone from consulting area, of course also coaches. In cooperation with trainer we found out, that there will be significant work with coach core competencies, that`s why every one participant will get CCEU. Due to increase awareness of potential participants about this training, we ask Mary some questions. And now happy to offer Mary`s  inspiring answers. Just read below!

How you decide to develop such kind of training- Process skills training?

-There were two things that influenced my decision to develop and offer this kind of training. 

-One was that I became interested in finding a way of integrating and synthesising my experience with various approaches I have worked with and trained in – primarily Incarnational SpiritualityProcess Oriented Psychology and the Transformation Game, although there have been other influences such as GestaltPsyschosynthesisConstellationsAppreciative Inquiry and Technologies for Creating

-The other was that people in the seminars and programmes I was running began asking me to teach them how to do what I was doing. I was running various Transformation Game programmes and facilitator trainings, as well as seminars on leadership, creativity, and following your calling, all of which involved a significant amount of personal process work with people. People in the programmes, many of whom were themselves workshop facilitators, coaches and counsellors, became interested in learning more about how I worked. I would refer them to the sources and approaches that have shaped and influenced my work, but they continued to be interested in my running a training myself. So in response to an invitation from a group in Kazakhstan, I ran the first Process Skills training there in February of 2013.  

-Since then I have offered it 10 times, in the UK, Japan, Russia, Lithuania and Kazakhstan, and I have plans for another 3 in the next year or so.

What is your main reason to offer this training?

-Over the years I have found myself drawn to approaches that encourage us to connect with our own authenticity, to honour all aspects of ourselves, and to engage with something essential in ourselves. They enliven me, and I see how they enliven others.

-Incarnational spirituality is one of these; another is Process Oriented Psychology or Process Work, the approach pioneered by Arnold Mindell. Neither of these approaches is prescriptive; neither of them has a template of what we should do or be or look like or aim for. They are not about aligning with an image of what a spiritually or psychologically healthy person should look like. Rather, they are about aligning with an inherent self-organising sentiency or spirit that holds our patterning and that seeks to create wholeness, both internally within ourselves, and externally in relation to our environment.

- For me, it’s an exploration into what it means to be human, and what it means to be ourselves. In some ways it’s an approach to spirituality – a holistic, embodied spirituality that honours and embraces all aspects of ourselves. It’s a way of finding our own path and calling, engaging with our essential patterning and our own generative source – and bringing that into the circumstances and challenges and aspirations of our everyday lives .

What you wish for all potential participants to receive from this training?

-What I hope for participants – and what I think is of value for them – is that they will have a deeper experience of wholeness, of feeling at home with themselves, and of the value of the uniqueness and difference each person brings – and that they also expand their capacity to foster and encourage that experience in others.

-We will also of course be exploring some principles and practising some specific exercises and processes, that will hopefully expand people’s skill sets and give them conceptual and practical tools to integrate into their work.

Thank you, Mary, for  your answers. They are inspiring. We are waiting for this event more and more :)!

More about Mary Inglis:

Born in Scotland, Mary grew up in Nigeria and Lesotho, and went to school and university in South Africa, where she worked as a journalist as well as training in experiential educational approaches. For the last 40 years she has lived at the Findhorn Community in Scotland, where she is a long-term faculty member of the Findhorn Foundation. The Findhorn Community is a holistic and spiritual educational centre exploring new approaches to spirituality and sustainability, as well as collaboration and partnership with all of earth’s ecologies, both physical and non-physical. 

Mary is also managing director of the UK branch of InnerLinks Associates, which researches and develops Transformation Game products, programmes and trainings; these offer playful yet substantial approaches to exploring and transforming issues in life and work. Mary has been involved with the Transformation Game since its beginnings in 1976. She has designed, developed and facilitated some innovative programmes, processes and trainings, including several custom-made large group processes using the Transformation Game in conferences in the UK, Europe and Korea.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Angel of September is Synthesis

Act with a win-win attitude.
Use your creativity and sensitivity to blend all the diverse parts into a unified whole.
We inter-face with the world in numerous ways; as a partner, a family member, child, parent, pet pal, neighbor, customer, and community member both culturally and nationally to name a few. Who is the 'one' that is behind the many faces — who is the 'one' inner-face?
The world we live in does not always appear to support the experience of essence living and this creates pressure. To protect our core expression we build defenses. The tension is felt as a suffering that closes our hearts, contracts our spirit, and limits our creativity.
A state of synthesis is a seamless presence. There is no gap; no space that gets filled in with misconceptions of who others or we think we are. It is from this one presence that we can reach out in our many expressions. It is in this blending all the diverse parts that returns us to the unified whole that existed before the perception of separation.
So, what is the practice this month? Lets call it 'apexing' - going to the highest midpoint and holding the apparent paradoxes of life and duality. And interestingly, it is not a point of non-duality, it is the point of Synthesis. Open to letting the truth you hold be replaced by a greater Truth. Synthesis allows a larger awareness of the whole to blend and fuse.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your inner-face shine through every experience.


P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Faith during August, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude then welcome the Angel of Synthesis into your life for the month of September.
©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more on official site

Friday, 5 August 2016

Process Skills Training with Mary Inglis /January 23-27, 2017/

A ‘designer’ approach to psychology, spirituality, and process facilitation.

For coaches, counsellors, consultants, trainers, mentors and facilitators (including Transformation Game facilitators):
  • Expand your coaching, counseling and facilitation skills and style
  • Learn principles and practices to integrate into your work
  • Support yourself and others to engage with the self-organising sentiency that holds our essential patterning – the DNA of our psyche
  • Work with the self as a whole system
  • Recognise and access different dimensions and parts of ourselves, and bring them into relationship in ways that enhance coherence and wholeness
  • Learn processes and techniques to negotiate edges and resistances
  • Find meaning and purpose in disturbances

This experiential training draws on approaches from Incarnational Spirituality, Process Oriented Psychology, the Transformation Game® and transpersonal psychologies. It works with both sides of the brain, engaging the logical, emotional, metaphorical, subtle and self-organising aspects of ourselves and of growth and incarnational processes.

A hands-on training from the inside out, where you will be participating in exercises and processes as well as coaching and facilitating others through them.

Training days January 23-27, 2017
Place: Riga, Latvia, Antonijas street 20b (Riga coaching school permises)
Author of training and trainer: Mary Inglis, more here >>
Workind language: english, with translation to latvian
Training is organized by:
During this training we will work with such coaching core competencies: 
Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client,  Coaching Presence, Active Listening, Powerful Questioning, Direct Communication. 
22,25 CCEU. 
Participation fee for 5  days training:  460 eur. (for ICF members 410 eur) 
-first part must be covered until 01.11.2016. and it is 240 eur, 
-the rest summ- till the start of training

Apply for training by writing to
Additional information about training, phone: 371-29121884   or email:

Monday, 1 August 2016

Angel of August is Faith

The unshakable knowing of the heart when nothing makes sense to the mind.Optimism is an expression of faith in action.
Faith is the breath of God that animates our soul. We cannot see it, we can only feel it — when we pay attention. Doubt is the uncertainty that our source of spiritual power will be available to us in times of misfortune, pain, and illness.
It is normal to experience spiritual doubt. In fact, times of doubt can lead to our greatest transformative moments and is the 'can' opener to faith.
The future is unknown and therefore brings with it a feeling of uncertainty. It is faith that teaches us to contemplate the invisible which is beyond our grasp; not through the power of knowledge but the power of feeling.
Our faith connects the past to the future and gives us a kind of spiritual gravity. It reassures us that God is in the future just as in the present and past. All that is unknowable is held within God and that includes us, our families, friends, and all our collective well being; yesterday, today, and tomorrow in all ways.
Worry is a flag waving where faith is waiting to enter. Hope lives in the mind - faith lives in the heart.  Fall out of your mindsets and have confidence your heart will catch you. There are no accidental experiences or chance inner states. 
The spiritual dimensions of life are real, more real in fact than what we call life on this earth. Faith is the unifying principle that weaves together all experiences.
May this month provide a 'faith-lift' bringing you a refreshed outlook and renewed perspective.

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Clarity during July, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude then welcome the Angel of Faith into your life for the month of August. 

©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Link to InnerLinks site here>>

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Angel of July is Clarity

Clear your perceptions free of confusion.

Focus on intent and straightforward expression. See the world as it is without your projections, judgments and assumptions.

Clarity is a process not a singular event and once reached tends to mark progress not arrival. The love of truth clears the attachments that result in mis-conceptions and false conclusions and makes it possible to align with our essential presence. As we learn to attune ourselves to our true nature, it informs our consciousness of the right attitudes, directions, and actions - free of assumptions and judgments.

So what do we do to encourage clarity to emerge? We engage in dynamic exploration into ourselves; asking, what is the source of my being? Why am I acting this way or that way? What do I need to heal? Through self-inquiry, we invite our inner being to disclose its richness and mysteries and reveal its possibilities.

The world as we perceive it is made up of our thoughts, images, emotions, and impressions. They are important only as points of orientation, not as conclusive evidence of reality. We need to be willing to allow our dreams, our current self-images, our very identities to completely change in kind and quality.

Clear the confusion and preconception that covers your deepest and most cherished inner sensations and be completely yourself.

May the Angel of Clarity animate your inner being and bring new and fresh ways of viewing yourself and the world throughout the coming month.


P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Awakening during June, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude then welcome the Angel of Clarity into your life for the month of July.

©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Angel of June is Awakening

Inspirational Message

Let the sun illuminate parts of you that are dormant, numb, or forgotten.

Rub the sleep from your eyes and welcome the new dawn.
When one awakens and realizes the true state of affairs there is no interruption of experience. It is not that something that was not there is now manifest. It is more like becoming cognizant of the presence of something that has always been there and known to be there, but forgotten.
A large part of our identities have been sculpted by our parents, teachers, friends, and how we want others to see us. We have carried this as our reference point of who we are; the person we normally take ourselves to be - preoccupied with its goals, fears, desires, and issues.
Beneath the surface is a deep and vast authentic Self, but its presence is usually veiled by the noise of the smaller 'I' with its needs and demands. This confusion between the small self and larger Self is a core illusion of the human condition, and penetrating this mirage is what awakening is all about.
Before recognizing greater realities that are more extensive and multidimensional, it is a good idea to first learn to handle our own energy and be accountable for the concrete results of our thoughts and emotions. Because, as we awaken, they automatically and immediately are translated into action.
For us to successfully create a new paradigm world in the midst of the current planetary chaos, we must discover a more light filled and inclusive approach to everyday life. By deep listening and acting on what feels like intuition, we can correct and refine our alignment to the instinctual impulses of our authentic Self.
Invoke your Divine presence with the intention to allow dormant memories deep within to stir and heal key obstacles to your wakefulness. Ask for an energetic opening to remember your true Self - with such certainty that you will never forget again.
May the emanations of the Angel of Awakening fill your month ahead. May you remember your origin and welcome the new dawn.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Contentment during May, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Awakening into your life for the month of June.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Mary Inglis about Transformation game

Conversation of Mary Inglis and  Mihail Moshenkov recorded at 02.11.2015. in Riga, during Transformation Game Solo version  facilitators training

Facilitator trainer Mary Inglis
Translator Inna Vilenska
Participants of training: Mihail Moshenkov, Sergey Raskolnikov, Tetiana Kashpur.
...Jelena Markune for inspiration.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Transformāciju pilnas brīvdienas

Tuvojas laiks, kad darba un brīvās dienas taps vienādi brīvas un vienādi vērtīgas. Piedāvāju kādu no vasaras brīvajām dienām veltīt spēlei par savu dzīvi- Transformācijas spēlei.
Spēles ilgums : 3 h * dalībnieku skaits (max 6 dalībnieki)
Dalības maksa : 400 eur/ dalībnieks 
Spēles norises vieta; pie manis mājās Aizputes novadā, vai lauku pilsmuižā,- vietā, kur apstājas laiks un iespējams izbaudīt virkni kārdinošu SPA procedūru. .... Savukārt tiem, kuri vēlas spēli spēlēt vienatnē un nav vēlmes vai iespēju doties ceļā pie manis, šo spēles versiju var izspēlēt attālināti caur skype, izmantojot pašam savu spēles komplektu.
Par solo, pāru un citam spēles versijām vairāk var lasīt šeit>>
Pieteikumu gaidīšu rakstot uz: intasanta @ gmail . com

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Angel of May is Contentment!

Inspirational Message
Savor what is in your life now.

The creative process is never finished. Let go of striving and rest in satisfaction and joyous fulfillment.
Be at peace with what is, give yourself permission to gently reside in the present. Recycling the past is not 'ego-logical' and worrying about the future is a distraction, both cause the state of contentment to elude us.
Calming our interior prepares us for the emergence of what is new and gives us a container to receive grace when it is offered. How we hold the content of our lives determines the quality of content-ment we feel.
Letting go of pre-determined decisions and conclusions instantly shifts our attention. It is like a quick turn of our head to look in a different direction and we come alive for a moment. (Try it.) Something in us awakens and gives us a glimpse of reality beyond our experience and conditioned responses - even if just for a moment.
There is something emerging within humanity that may not have occurred before. With no clear path or map outlining how this step toward a global consciousness happens. Cultivating contentment allows a quiet certainty to develop. Savor the moment, there is nothing more fulfilling.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May you have many moments this month to savor.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Play during April, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Contentment into your life for the month of May.

©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors.

Monday, 4 April 2016

The Angel of April is Play!

Maximize every moment of aliveness. 

Experience pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing. 

Have Fun!

Play is at the heart of our creativity and animates our being in our most carefree moments. It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery. It feeds our childlike joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning grounded and on to earth.
There is so much going on in the world, and within us, that our stress levels have adjusted upwards to a new 'normal' creating a hidden epidemic of fun deficit disorder (FDD). Play is an antidote to stress. It can totally absorb your attention and cause a cascade of feelings that greatly impact your happiness quotient. 
Play engages us with the imaginal realm and supports and enriches our metabolization of life. It is integral for generating insights and effortless realizations. Play literally gives us a 'breather' – restoring our vitality at a core level.
This month find a fun activity that totally captivates your attention to the point where time seems to slow or even stop, and the voice inside -- (the one giving constant commentary on what you’re doing, have done, or will be doing) -- ceases.  Laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and yourself.
Wishing you playful, joyous moments throughout April.
And, transformed FDD to F:):)....


©1981-2016 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

The Planetary Game at Findhorn, 2-8 July, 2016

The Planetary Game  

Engaging with the Emerging Future

Click on date below to book
For details of registration and programme start time see here.
This course does not require previous participation in an Experience Week.

with Joy Drake, Kathy Tyler, Mary Inglis, Judy McAllister & InnerLinks Group

A Findhorn Foundation Special Event
2–8 July 2016
40th Anniversary of the Game of Transformation
The Planetary Game is a large-scale version of the Game of Transformation. Born here 40 years ago as a way of representing our approach to life, the Game is one of the most creative impulses to come out of the Findhorn community. Today players and trained facilitators engage with the different versions of it in over 40 countries around the world, and the box Game has been translated into nine different languages.
The Planetary Game involves up to 120 participants in five Playing Areas. Focused around a life-sized Game path on the floor, it has been described as a form of sacred theatre which:
  • provides an exciting, multi-dimensional opportunity to work creatively together to bring insight, healing and direction to areas of both collective and personal concern
  • amplifies both personal and collective issues, engaging our hopes and dreams for a positive future, highlighting strengths and resources, and pointing to new directions
  • reflects current limiting patterns and their underlying causal dynamics, giving us the opportunity to reshape them
  • allows us to connect with and honour our individual paths and contribution within the larger whole, while also engaging with collective issues and challenges in today's world
Each participant will choose one of the Playing Areas to work in, formulate an intention that is personally meaningful, and select a role to play. Each Playing Area represents a key area of engagement. As we are all involved in all of them, collectively we will deepen into each of them and learn from the interplay between them.
Costumed participants representing the Playing Areas use a die, free will or intuition to move along the path on the floor. Different squares present opportunities for interaction, growth, breakthroughs, recognition of shared strengths and challenges, and learning from one another's work.
Although there is personal growth, insight and healing, the Planetary Game is played at far more than just the personal level. Its effectiveness depends on our capacity to recognise ourselves in one another, to see the world within ourselves and ourselves within the world, and to respond accordingly. It requires us to take responsibility for being co-creative participants in the wellbeing of a wholeness larger than just our own.
Do come and join us for this special event as we bring collective wisdom to both personal and global issues, explore our interconnectedness, and engage our capacity to generate positive pathways and presence in these extraordinary and exciting times.
Tiered price (click here for more information): £1210 / £955 / £795
Includes all programme content, 7 nights accommodation, full board and refreshments.
Please note:
We are offering a special price of £745 for accredited Transformation Game Facilitators.Click here if you are an accredited facilitator and would like to book this option.
Join InnerLinks Transformation Game on

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Iepazīstam Transformācijas spēli! Vebinārs /26.01.2016./

Aicinu ikvienu interesentu uz bezmaksas iepazīšanās vebināru par personīgās, pāru un nelielu grupu izaugsmes veicināšanas rīku- Transformācijas spēli. Vebināra laikā būs iespējams: 
*iepazīt šīs spēles pamatus;
*uzzināt kā tieši šīs spēles spēlēšana var noderēt;
*uzzināt atbildes uz sevi interesējošiem jautājumiem;
*izbaudīt praktisku šīs spēles spēlēšanas pieredzi.

Esmu akreditēta šīs spēles vadītāja- fasilitatore kopš 2013.gada un 2015.gadā papildināju zināšanas šīs spēles SOLO versijas vadīšanā. Spēles vadīšanas prasmes apguvu Skotijā, Findhornas ekokomūnā- vietā, kur šī spēle ir radīta.
Vairāk par šo spēli skatīt šajā pašā mājas lapā

Pieteikšanās pie manis personīgi rakstot uz intasanta @