Saturday, 28 May 2016

Mary Inglis about Transformation game

Conversation of Mary Inglis and  Mihail Moshenkov recorded at 02.11.2015. in Riga, during Transformation Game Solo version  facilitators training

Facilitator trainer Mary Inglis
Translator Inna Vilenska
Participants of training: Mihail Moshenkov, Sergey Raskolnikov, Tetiana Kashpur.
...Jelena Markune for inspiration.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Transformāciju pilnas brīvdienas

Tuvojas laiks, kad darba un brīvās dienas taps vienādi brīvas un vienādi vērtīgas. Piedāvāju kādu no vasaras brīvajām dienām veltīt spēlei par savu dzīvi- Transformācijas spēlei.
Spēles ilgums : 3 h * dalībnieku skaits (max 6 dalībnieki)
Dalības maksa : 400 eur/ dalībnieks 
Spēles norises vieta; pie manis mājās Aizputes novadā, vai lauku pilsmuižā,- vietā, kur apstājas laiks un iespējams izbaudīt virkni kārdinošu SPA procedūru. .... Savukārt tiem, kuri vēlas spēli spēlēt vienatnē un nav vēlmes vai iespēju doties ceļā pie manis, šo spēles versiju var izspēlēt attālināti caur skype, izmantojot pašam savu spēles komplektu.
Par solo, pāru un citam spēles versijām vairāk var lasīt šeit>>
Pieteikumu gaidīšu rakstot uz: intasanta @ gmail . com

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Angel of May is Contentment!

Inspirational Message
Savor what is in your life now.

The creative process is never finished. Let go of striving and rest in satisfaction and joyous fulfillment.
Be at peace with what is, give yourself permission to gently reside in the present. Recycling the past is not 'ego-logical' and worrying about the future is a distraction, both cause the state of contentment to elude us.
Calming our interior prepares us for the emergence of what is new and gives us a container to receive grace when it is offered. How we hold the content of our lives determines the quality of content-ment we feel.
Letting go of pre-determined decisions and conclusions instantly shifts our attention. It is like a quick turn of our head to look in a different direction and we come alive for a moment. (Try it.) Something in us awakens and gives us a glimpse of reality beyond our experience and conditioned responses - even if just for a moment.
There is something emerging within humanity that may not have occurred before. With no clear path or map outlining how this step toward a global consciousness happens. Cultivating contentment allows a quiet certainty to develop. Savor the moment, there is nothing more fulfilling.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May you have many moments this month to savor.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Play during April, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Contentment into your life for the month of May.

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