The essence of contentment and the foundation of serenity. Love is the activation of your spirit reaching out to make connections.
It overcomes grief, harbors no ill will and heals all separation.
If the experiences we have are a result of our selective perceptions, why not adjust our lens and look though the windows of love instead of fear, righteousness, loneliness or guilt?
Love is a vibrational frequency. It is the feeling nature of our soul and our direct connection to the Source. When we tune into this frequency, we nurture a closer relationship to our true selves.
Love is not something we have, but rather something we are. When we extend this essence to a person, group of people, a place, or an animal a luminous mystery forms in the depths of our hearts and extends out beyond ourselves with deep joy and passion.
We all seek a feeling of belonging; a feeling of being home connected with our Source. It is often easier to access this in relationship with nature or a pet. But it is in our relationships with one another that our love-ablity is most often challenged.
Giving space around experiences and interactions give us margins we can fill with love that contains the content -- rather than judgement that searches the content for where the love might be. This shifts our worldview and our interior orientation. We stop trying to manipulate the outer world so that our inner world can be at peace.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart experience love with ever increasing 'frequency'.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Play during November, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Love into your life for the month of December.
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