Saturday, 23 December 2017


In the final weeks of preparing for the first Planetary Game in Asia the organizers in Bangkok have pulled a Setback card that some of you might remember from the original Game of Transformation deck: "Your physical forms tokens have been wiped out. Go back and repair the damage.”
The Planetary Game account in Thailand has been compromised and over half the registration funds have been stolen. It is always shocking when this card is drawn personally in the Game or in ‘real’ life, but thankfully everyone involved is steadily integrating what has happened and a pathway forwards is slowly emerging.
As you know we are each a fractal of the whole, of the soul and body of humanity, of the soul and body of the world. The currents of our times move through and come to focus in each one of us. Our work, not only in each Game but also between workshops, is to contain and hold these trends within ourselves and, from this alchemical process, to allow the makings of a new consciousness to emerge and give shape to new forms.
So here we are now, on a Global Setback square for real, pooling our resources and moving forward with a renewed aliveness around the Planetary Game, with a deeper sense of engagement and of emerging potentials and possibilities, committed – as the Planetary Game purpose states – to shape a future of resilience, trust and hope.
We’re re-evaluating our assets, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Everyone involved is generously stepping in to give what they can of time, energy and money. The budget has been radically pruned, but there is still a significant shortfall.
So we are reaching out to invite support from the Game network. Can you help the Thai organisers of the Planetary Game to rebuild their form tokens? They have invested huge amounts of energy on many different levels to pull things together for the Planetary Game beginning January 8… re-creating most of the substantial amount of equipment required for the event, promoting, fundraising, cheerleading, blessing.
If you can’t contribute financially, you can still help by blessing this Planetary Game in your contemplations and meditations and by sharing this information with everyone you know. We know this time of year is one of many outgoings, but if you can send a little our way it will make our day!
If you are able to contribute financially, donations can be made to this paypal account:

Thank you for whatever support you can give,
With blessings and gratitude,
Joy Drake, Kathy Tyler, Mary Inglis, Judy McAllister,
Kritaya Sreesunpagit and the Thailand Transformation Game facilitators and Planetary Game organisers
InnerLinks Associates
20 Eagles Nest Lane
Asheville, NC 28806, USA
InnerLinks Game Office
Findhorn Foundation Community
The Park
Findhorn IV36 3TZ
Tel: +44 (0) 1309) 690-992

Monday, 4 December 2017

Angel of December is Willingness

Approach life with an open mind and a how-can-we-make-it-work attitude. Use your will skillfully to enhance the creative process rather than inhibit it.

Willingness is an inner alertness that magnifies the connecting point between our human and divine natures. It is the practice of steadiness, receptivity, readiness, and response — not necessarily in that order.
It means you may upset the status quo, both within yourself and others, challenging movement beyond current ways of thinking. Remember, not only our outer worldly selves are in a constant state of evolving, but so are our inner spiritual selves as we realize what it means to belong to a higher world.
New ways of welcoming the unfolding present moment results from letting go of the spectrum of arrogance to unworthiness, and passivity to aggression; all rooted in shame. There are things that want to happen in the natural flow of life. Nothing of substance can be forced into or out of existence.
Willingness encourages perspective and opens us to our inner guidance allowing a clearer knowing of when the moment is right to act. Willingness brings ease and grace into our lives, our interactions, and into the times in which we live.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life. 
May you be willing to share your magnificence.


P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Wisdom during November, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Willingness into your life for the month of December.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more here:
Play the original Game of Transformation at the Findhorn Foundation:

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Angel of November is Wisdom

Wisdom arises from experience, a deep heart, and willingness to learn. Add your maturity and inner knowing to spiritually nourish each creative moment.

The wisdom of the inevitable is a great teacher - beginnings, endings, need to eat and sleep, the cycles of nature, our bodies as we go though life.

I am reminded of the beginning of the Serenity Prayer; 'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.'

This is the task and the challenge - to know the difference.

But how? Sometimes what we can change is obvious and at other times it is masked with emotion. Cultivating an internal context for our journey means a close examination of our conditionings and attachments. Wisdom comes with experience and maturity, living our learning, allowing what is, and is, and is.

Accessing our wisdom comes though being mindfully present, doing all that we can to pay attention, using whatever we have learned, bringing the best techniques we have, the best attitude we have, the best understanding we have, and applying it right now. This evokes the deep luminous wisdom of your heart and nourishes each creative moment.

Every ancient culture has an inner group of wisdom keepers who preserve and maintain the traditions. These hidden teachings are within our mind streams, ready to reveal and enhance our understanding of the evolutional impulse, and give us certainty in these times of shaking the old from our collective perceptions.

May the Wisdom of the Ancient Ones unlock your memories and light your way home.

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Support during October, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Wisdom into your life for the month of November.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more info at

Monday, 2 October 2017

Angel of October is Support

Stay connected and let others in.
Widen your channel of giving and receiving. Reach out with encouragement and be versatile and timely in your resourcefulness.

Support is often very subjective and can be confusing. How do you offer support, what do you give your energy to, what is for the highest, and how do you know what is best for yourself and others?
True support has two distinct aspects intertwined; love through the expression of gentleness and truth in the expression of realness. When we love without truth, we relate to others from the surface of ourselves, often in order not to make 'waves'. On the other hand, when we only relate from truth it tends to create a feeling of distance tainted with judgment and limitation.
Weaving gentleness and realness together brings about balance in our lives with others. Sometimes support calls for loving someone in a way that gives them what they feel they need…empathy, help, affection, or affirmation. Sometimes support needs to be for who they are inside as a soul and takes the form of confronting unconscious behavior, saying what you are really feeling, or requiring accountability for words or actions.
It is not always easy to make the distinction between these two currents of support and to bring about healing. In the end, our capacity to express gentleness and realness and be fully ourselves rests 'soul-ly' within our commitment to what we feel life is about and what we value.
Finding ways to balance these strands within us with the same gentleness and realness reveals and brings a deeper sense of authenticity to our actions. This ultimately supports our own and each other's inner nature with what it needs to flourish.
May your heart, mind, and actions be filled with gentle authentic support. We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Simplicity during September, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Support into your life for the month of October.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Angel of September is Simplicity

Simply be yourself.
Look past the fanfare and drama to what is enduring. Take time to clarify what is important to you and let non-essentials fall away.

Simplicity requires tenacity of spirit and a 'one pointed' clear holding of our soul's presence. Too much of the time our minds are filled with the complexities of outer circumstances. Living with simplicity, not necessarily simple, means removing the noise of the swirling demands that surround us.
Life itself is the expression of Divine Nature and an appreciation of this aligns our consciousness with what is essential and enduring. A moment of direct connection helps to break the spell of uncertainty and builds internal well-being. Living without fanfare opens doorways to what is truly important.
To simply be ourselves can be a daunting task. It presses us to deeply consider the question of who we truly are and then open to who everybody else is. It requires us to bring what we do into mindful service of who we are and simply shine the light of truth into our everyday experiences.
May the current of light come into your life on the wings of Simplicity this month.

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Acceptance during August, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Simplicity into your life for the month of September.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors:

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Angel of August is Acceptance

Let the mist of unworthiness evaporate. Move forward and embrace life as it presents itself to you.
Practice the art of inclusion and allowing.
Self-acceptance is a gift of internal belonging that embraces who we are and who we are not. It widens our perception so that we can include the many paradoxes of life.
Acceptance reduces the conflict levels inside and around us and invokes change. It releases us from the struggle against reality and then new possibilities can open up to us that did not exist before.
Acceptance frees up our energy. It is a benediction, a blessing, a gentle rain that melts judgments, fears and doubts, and allows us to surrender to the truth of the moment without preferences.
It animates the big picture, welcomes a higher reality, and extends an invitation to embody our Human nature and our greater Being nature - in doing so, conflict ceases and we become one presence.
This month, look for experiences that you are rejecting or pushing against. If acceptance does not seem possible, practice relaxing your protective response that splits perceptions into division of right/wrong, good/bad, guilt/innocence. And let the mind unlock from its fixations.
May the Angel of Acceptance wrap its wings around you and hug you tightly filling you with acceptance then offer it freely to all you meet.

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Abundance during August, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Acceptance into your life for the month of August.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more info here>> 

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Angel of July is Abundance

Inspirational Message 

Cultivate an attitude of generosity and act as though there is plenty for you and for everyone, everywhere.
Give freely and generously.

One of the biggest fears held within humanity is the fear of loss. This may be of a job, partner, image, youth, life style (especially money) or finally - death of the body. But, fear can serve us and turn us around to call our attention to what we have and gratefully remind us to take steps to care for what we have been given.

Holding tightly to what scares us produces heart-quakes and moves us out of the universal flow causing us to live in 'scare-city'. The energy of wanting; things a certain way, circumstances to change, feelings to be different - is an ineffective approach because we can only want things to change according to what we think we know.

The essence of abundance is rooted in dynamic openness and wonderment that infuses our desires with the optimizing force of Being.

We lack acceptance of what is and this leads to a lack of gratitude. Holding fast to particular identities and predetermined decisions fuels our conditioned selves and habitual behaviors. As a result, we can't experience wonder or abundance. We can only at best feel sameness.

Wonderment arises when we open to something that is new, fresh, and mystical, completely letting go of all we know in that moment.
This experience is exhilarating, prosperous, and freeing; inwardly turning us towards a sense of fulfillment. It offers a grander, more expansive vision of reality and relieves the restraints to generously offering ourselves allowing us to give to everyone, everywhere.

We hope the Angels inspire your life and move you out of scare-city into the new high rise of generous-city. May you be filled with wonder and abundance and offer it freely.


 P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Compassion during June, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Abundance into your life for the month of July.  ©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more here>> 

Friday, 2 June 2017


Heartfelt understanding of the human condition that encompasses the pain in oneself and others, dissolves judgment and opens the way for acceptance. A sincere desire to alleviate suffering.
Compassion is an energetic emanation from the essential part of us that holds the 'will to good'.
We are in constant connection with those around us though our energetic imprints. Everything we touch is imbued with our signature. The more intentional we are, the longer our signature lingers and the greater the influence of our touch. The same is true of our thoughts and feelings, the stronger and more repetitive, the longer they 'live'.
Cultivating a compassionate nature for both others and ourselves acts as a healing balm that helps us tolerate hurts and nurtures our ability to be with what is. It gives us refuge from our judging minds and allows our hearts to open. Without compassion, we cannot see the truth and pass through the suffering to trust in a greater reality.
The cultivation of compassion is a life-long practice; it comes with experience and the flowering of an intelligent heart. A heart that is perceptive to the subtleties of indifference, pity, sympathy, loving kindness, and caring.
Sometimes, we can become compassion-fatigued and separate ourselves from the dilemma of being human. This may be a wide spread cause of depression, stress, and lack of self worth. When we are constantly being traumatized by our environment this creates energetic imprints that exhaust us out of our hearts.
There is no need to do anything 'about' the human experience. We all have our trigger points that move us to action. The question is; does our action lead to a domino effect of love or separation? If separation is the result, it is not just from something or someone; it is from our own hearts.
For this month, practice the art of compassion through touch, thought, and feeling with the intention of leaving a compassionate energetic signature that animates the will to good and love for humanity, each other, and ourselves. There is no difference.
May you be wrapped in the wings of the Angel of Compassion holding you safely in your heart. And invite it to enfold and hold all those you love.


P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Transformation during May, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Compassion into your life for the month of June.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please link to our site to share with your visitors:

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Angel of April is Discernment

Use your sharp-sightedness to make clear distinctions and wise choices. Move forward with confidence in your inner compass.

Discernment is the recognition of the soul's impulse within our lives. It builds our intuitive ability to act with an awareness of the power that is concealed within the present moment. Discernment requires that we regularly take a personal inventory of our values, beliefs, past actions, present hopes, and future dreams.
We live our lives based on what we believe. Our actions are preceded by our beliefs. Our consciousness is reflected back to us. What we look for we will find. So, the question is 'where do our beliefs come from?'. I would guess the overwhelming answer is 'from what others have told us'. We have very few original thoughts that comprise our beliefs. As individuals, we are defined by assumptions that have been formed over generations.
But, what if we are more than this? What if we are powerful beings about to awaken from a long night of dreams? What if we are at a tipping point of illumination, on the verge of uncovering the deep knowing of our origin and with it the capacity to bring about global peace? What would it be like to feel our connections to the whole and choose our actions based on this as reality? How would you be different today? How would this realization influence your actions?
Our collective challenge and opportunity is to surrender the illusions that keep us cocooned in assumptions and limitations. And, like the caterpillar, dissolve into our imaginal selves and redefine the world envisioning a future that welcomes the butterfly.
We hope the Angel of Discernment will illuminate your life this month. May your heart and mind discern and embrace the presence of your soul.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Awakening during March, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Discernment into your life for the month of April.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. Please find more info here:

Friday, 17 March 2017

Angel of March is Awakening

Let the sun illuminate parts of you that are dormant, numb, or forgotten. Rub the sleep from your eyes and welcome the new dawn.
When one awakens and realizes the true state of affairs there is no interruption of experience. It is not that something that was not there is now manifest. It is more like becoming cognizant of the presence of something that has always been there and known to be there, but forgotten.
A large part of our identities have been sculpted by our parents, teachers, friends, and how we want others to see us. We have carried this as our reference point of who we are; the person we normally take ourselves to be - preoccupied with its goals, fears, desires, and issues.
Beneath the surface is a deep and vast authentic Self, but its presence is usually veiled by the noise of the smaller 'I' with its needs and demands. This confusion between the small self and larger Self is a core illusion of the human condition, and penetrating this mirage is what awakening is all about.
Before recognizing greater realities that are more extensive and multidimensional, it is a good idea to first learn to handle our own energy and be accountable for the concrete results of our thoughts and emotions. Because, as we awaken, they automatically and immediately are translated into action.
For us to successfully create a new paradigm world in the midst of the current planetary chaos, we must discover a more light filled and inclusive approach to everyday life. By deep listening and acting on what feels like intuition, we can correct and refine our alignment to the instinctual impulses of our authentic Self.
Invoke your Divine presence with the intention to allow dormant memories deep within to stir and heal key obstacles to your wakefulness. Ask for an energetic opening to remember your true Self - with such certainty that you will never forget again.
May the emanations of the Angel of Awakening fill your month ahead. May you remember your origin and welcome the new dawn.

P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Trust during February, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Awakening into your life for the month of March.
©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.
Please follow to this link for more information:

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Angel of February is Truth

Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience.

Let go of your assumptions and need to control life's creative process.

It does not matter what spiritual path you’re on, an ultimate sense of peace comes down to one question: Can you let go of the need to control your life, and trust there is a benevolent force guiding all that ever has, is, and will happen?

Trust is the soul's way of attuning to the fundamental laws of reality. There is a deep rhythm that moves through all life that cannot be controlled by our will. When trust informs our experience, it allows our psyche to relax and our soul to be at peace with our situation. We can rest in unquestioned confidence that the universe provides, that we have and will receive what we really need. In fact, often beyond what we alone are even capable of imagining.

When we have a lot of 'basic' trust, we are courageous and take risks. We don't suppress our competencies. We engage in life wholeheartedly, doing what feels appropriate with the confidence that it will work out. Life becomes a story of creation not an obstacle course.

Without basic trust, we tend to react to what arises in accordance with our conditioning, wanting our life to go one way or another. We cling to predetermined assumptions and outcomes. We become tense and contracted and do all we can to manipulate the circumstances to fit with our desires.

Here is a suggestion for changing the automatic internal response to external signals. When a traffic light turns yellow and there is a safe distance to stop before it turns red, what do you tend to do? Do you accelerate to 'make it through'? If so, this is a metaphor for what happens inside when our yellow 'worry light' goes off — we accelerate; try harder, move faster, do more; all stress responses to our conditioning. Trust is the ability to stop and wait for the green light to signal the time to move forward again.

Why not, for the month of February, practice putting on the brake when the light is yellow and taking that moment to pause and breathe in the deeper rhythm of life while waiting for the green light to again signal you to go.

Rest and know that all is very, very well - the Light is about to go green ... till then - increase your capacity for loving thoughts and kind actions. We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.


P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Vision during January, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Trust into your life for the month of February.

©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.
More info

Monday, 2 January 2017

Angel of January is Vision

Look at the world with soul sight. Use your imagination, inner sense, and peripheral promptings to see the bigger picture and shape the future you desire. 

Vision holds within it the possibility of revelation - the realization of seeing a greater truth about life. Even a glimpse can alter perception in such a way that major shifts in our behavior occur because it changes the context of our world-view. A key to soul sight (what the soul sees and knows) is intuition. 

Intuition is the appreciation of an aspect of truth that gives a level of foresight beyond our immediate five senses. It is the deeper sense of relational connection from small co-incidences to the astounding miracles. 

Learning to navigate the phenomenal world, the world of soul, brings with it the capacity to interpret and act from a deep level of connected comprehension. To live in vision is to master the art of connectedness on behalf of the whole.

To consciously envision is to know what seeds you are planting and therefore what will grow. Be a conscious gardener; be patient, nurture, and cultivate each seed you plant with action appropriate intent. Appreciate and give thanks at each stage of growth as it unfolds into the next. 

We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life. May your heart be happy and your vision clear.

Happy New Year - Blessing for deep fulfillment as we all hold each other with the intent to bring our Visions into reality........



P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Love during December, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Vision into your life for the month of January.

©1981-2017 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks. For more info please go to