Monday, 2 October 2017

Angel of October is Support

Stay connected and let others in.
Widen your channel of giving and receiving. Reach out with encouragement and be versatile and timely in your resourcefulness.

Support is often very subjective and can be confusing. How do you offer support, what do you give your energy to, what is for the highest, and how do you know what is best for yourself and others?
True support has two distinct aspects intertwined; love through the expression of gentleness and truth in the expression of realness. When we love without truth, we relate to others from the surface of ourselves, often in order not to make 'waves'. On the other hand, when we only relate from truth it tends to create a feeling of distance tainted with judgment and limitation.
Weaving gentleness and realness together brings about balance in our lives with others. Sometimes support calls for loving someone in a way that gives them what they feel they need…empathy, help, affection, or affirmation. Sometimes support needs to be for who they are inside as a soul and takes the form of confronting unconscious behavior, saying what you are really feeling, or requiring accountability for words or actions.
It is not always easy to make the distinction between these two currents of support and to bring about healing. In the end, our capacity to express gentleness and realness and be fully ourselves rests 'soul-ly' within our commitment to what we feel life is about and what we value.
Finding ways to balance these strands within us with the same gentleness and realness reveals and brings a deeper sense of authenticity to our actions. This ultimately supports our own and each other's inner nature with what it needs to flourish.
May your heart, mind, and actions be filled with gentle authentic support. We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Simplicity during September, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Support into your life for the month of October.
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